When a molar or premolar has been lost in the upper jaw, sometimes the bone becomes too thin to support a dental implant. The sinus pocket above could be damaged if an implant were placed.

A procedure called a sinus lift can add bone to the area and make it stable enough to place an implant.

First, an access opening in the area above the missing tooth is created, through which synthetic or sterile harvested bone material can be placed.

With the access opening created, the sinus membrane is gently lifted upwards, while the bone material is packed in beneath it.

A healing membrane is placed over the access opening, and the area is sutured and allowed to heal.

During this time, the bone material solidifies beneath the sinus and permanently blends into your natural bone tissue.

Once the site has fully healed, the bone will have regained its original strength and stability, and further procedures such as a dental implant can be initiated.
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